撒母耳記上 6:19
聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)

he smote

出埃及記 19:21

利未記 10:1-3

民數記 4:4,5,15,20

申命記 29:29

撒母耳記下 6:7

歷代志上 13:9,10

歌羅西書 2:18

彼得前書 4:17

50,070 men in the fields at wheat harvest, much less that they could all peep into the ark, and from the uncommon manner in which it is expressed in the original, it is generally allowed that there is some corruption in the text, or that some explanatory word is omitted. The Hebrew is {shiven ish, chasmishim aileph ish}, literally, `seventy men, fifty thousand men:' so LXX (). Vulgate, septuaginta viros, et quinquagint millia plebis, `70 (chief) men.' But the Syriac, chamsho alphin weshivin gavrin, `5000 and

70 men;' with which the Arabic agrees; while Josephus has only () seventy men; and three reputable MSS of Dr. Kennicott's also omits `50,000 men.' Some learned men, however, would render, by supplying () mem, `70 men; fifty out of a thousand; ' which supposes about

1400 present, and that a twentieth part were slain.

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