詩篇 139:9
聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)

If I take.

194,188 miles in one second of time; and comes from the sun to the earth, a distance of

95,513,794 miles in

8 minutes and nearly

12 seconds! But, could I even fly upon the wings or rays of the morning light, which diffuses itself with such velocity over the globe from east to west, instead of being beyond Thy reach, or by this sudden transition be able to escape thy notice. Thy arm could still at pleasure prevent or arrest my progress, and I should still be encircled with the immensity of Thy essence. The sentiment in this noble passage is remarkably striking and the description truly sublime.

the wings

詩篇 18:10

詩篇 19:6

瑪拉基書 4:2


詩篇 74:16,17

以賽亞書 24:14-16

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