創世記 36:33
聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)


2135. B.C. cir.

1869. Bozrah. Bozrah, Bezer, or Bostra, was situated in Arabia Deserta, and the eastern part of Edom; and, according to Eusebius, was

24 miles from Edrei. It afterwards belonged to Moab, and was given by Moses to Reuben, but again reverted to Edom. It is now called Boszra; and is described by Burckhardt as the largest town in the Haouran, including its ruins, though only inhabited by about twelve or fifteen families. It is situated in the open plain, two hours distant from Aare, and is at present the last inhabited place in the south-east extremity of the Haouran. It is of an oval shape, it greatest length being from east to west; and its circumference three quarters of an hour.

以賽亞書 34:6

以賽亞書 63:1

耶利米書 49:13,22

阿摩司書 1:12

彌迦書 2:12

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